Susanne Jasper Relocation Trainings USA

Relocating employees to the U.S.

My tailored relocation training gets your expat assignee and their family ready for a successful assignment in the U.S. You save your company from costly mistakes, while your employee can focus on hitting the ground running and achieving your business goals from day one.

Sending your employee to the U.S. with the same playbook that works at home might seem like a solid plan. But without the right preparation, you’re setting them—and your company—up for real setbacks: cultural differences are far greater than they appear, and what drives success in one country often falls flat in another. When expat assignees try to apply familiar strategies in an American workplace ...

... company goals fail

The expat assignee doesn’t achieve the planned results—or they come with unwanted side effects: the U.S. team undermines their efforts, American employees quit, or potential customers turn to competitors.

.. collaboration breaks down

American team members feel micromanaged or mismanaged by your assignee’s directives, secretly do their own thing, and frustration builds within the team.

... the expat assignee struggles

Your assignee has a hard time making progress at work and gets frustrated with American “quirks.” Meanwhile, things get tense at home as their family struggles to adjust to the American way of life.

Here's the good news: Success is in your hands.

Imagine you could:

# help your expat assignee settle in and hit the ground running

# empower their professional and personal growth

# foster strong collaboration with the American team

# prevent costly mistakes for both your company and your assignee

# ensure business goals are met, securing your investment in the relocation

Sound good? Then you've come to the right place!

Susanne Japser Intercultural Trainings Translations 6

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Relocation training for the whole family

In my first-class 1:1 relocation training, your expat assignee and their family get exactly the preparation they need for a successful move to the U.S.

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1-day 1:1 relocation training for expat assignees and accompanying partners

This training is fully customized to the assignee’s professional role, cultural knowledge, and specific questions.

The training typically covers five modules but can be adjusted as needed:

  • Module 1: Understanding American culture—what makes Americans tick
  • Module 2: Working in the U.S.
  • Module 3: Speaking English doesn’t cut it—mastering communication with Americans
  • Module 4: Navigating American everyday life
  • Module 5: Managing culture shock and settling in smoothly

The relocation training can be delivered in person at your preferred location or virtually. It lasts 8 hours, with virtual training sessions split into typically two or up to four appointments if needed.

SPECIAL BONUS INCLUDED: 1:1 coaching after the training.
Questions often arise once you’re in the thick of it. A 30-minute coaching session is included to tackle cultural challenges your assignee faces during their first months in the U.S.

Is the partner coming along?
The most common reason for expat assignments being terminated early is that the partner struggles to adjust to the host culture. That’s why I ensure the partner is fully included in the training with topics tailored to their needs, making them feel supported and prepared.

2-day 1:1 relocation training for expat assignees and accompanying partners

The 2-day training follows the same structure as the 1-day program but offers:

  • Expanded topics: We cover more areas relevant to the relocation.
  • In-depth exploration: We dive deeper into each topic.
  • Time for reflection and practice: We engage in more discussions and practical exercises.

The training can be delivered in person at your preferred location or virtually. It consists of 16 hours, split into two sessions. Virtual sessions can be split into up to four appointments if needed.

BONUS INCLUDED: 1:1 coaching after the training.
Many questions arise once you’re in the thick of it. This program includes two 30-minute coaching sessions to address cultural challenges your assignee faces during their first months in the U.S.

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1:1 child and youth relocation training (6 to 18 years)

When expat assignees move to the U.S. with their families, one of the biggest concerns is whether their child will adjust to the new environment and school. While the experience leads to incredible growth and new skills for children and teens, it’s also challenging. The period before and after the move often brings feelings of uncertainty, sadness, and frustration for kids.

Our interactive child or youth relocation training, led by an experienced and specialized child & youth trainer, prepares children or teens in an age-appropriate way for the transition.

Topics include:

  • Preparing for the move
  • Key facts about the U.S., such as geography, holidays, and customs
  • Settling into the new environment
  • Navigating school life in the U.S.
  • Making friends
  • Handling emotions like fear, frustration, and homesickness

After the training, your child or teen will:

  • Feel more confident about the relocation
  • Navigate their new environment with greater self-assurance
  • Develop a stronger sense of belonging in their new social setting
  • Use practical strategies to make friends and cope with the challenges of moving
  • Actively engage in their new life with a positive outlook

Parents will:

  • Learn strategies and resources to actively support their child’s or teen’s adjustment
  • Receive expert tips and answers to their questions about relocating with children or teens

The training lasts 4 to 8 hours, depending on the child’s or teen’s age.

By providing child or youth training, you give your assignee peace of mind, knowing their child is well-prepared for the move and equipped with the tools they need to thrive—and that they, as parents, are empowered to support them every step of the way.

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  • Wenn es z. B. um Coachings geht: Wie viele Sessions? Zu welcher Dauer? Über welchen Zeitraum findet dies statt? Live vor Ort (welche Adresse?) oder online (mit welchem Tool?)?
  • Bei Produkten z. B.: Welche Farbe? Welche Abmessungen? Welche Größen? Welche Materialien? Usw.

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Investition: X.XXX € zzgl. MwSt.

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  • Welche konkreten Inhalte oder Eigenschaften beinhalten dieses Angebot?
  • Wenn es z. B. um Coachings geht: Wie viele Sessions? Zu welcher Dauer? Über welchen Zeitraum findet dies statt? Live vor Ort (welche Adresse?) oder online (mit welchem Tool?)?
  • Bei Produkten z. B.: Welche Farbe? Welche Abmessungen? Welche Größen? Welche Materialien? Usw.

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Investition: X.XXX € zzgl. MwSt.

No one-size-fits-all.

My trainings are:


I don’t believe in standardized group training for relocations. In one-on-one or couple sessions, I dive into the unique situation and questions of each participant. This ensures they’re perfectly prepared for their move.


I wasn’t a fan of chalk-and-talk lessons back in school, and I’m definitely not about to put anyone through that now. In my interactive training, we reflect, work together to find answers, and  practice new skills—no dusty chalkboards in sight!


I bring the knowledge: Having lived and worked in various regions of the U.S. for over 20 years, I know the ins and outs. No matter where your assignee is headed or what role they’re taking on, and whether they’re bringing preschoolers or high schoolers—I’ve got the answers. Plus, I throw in some seriously helpful tips to make their experience a whole lot smoother!


Having relocated from my home country to the U.S. myself, I know exactly what challenges lie ahead. That’s why it’s genuinely close to my heart to give your assignee a shortcut—one that lets them hit the ground running in the U.S., confident and fully prepared.

Interested in relocation training?

Get to know me

In a no-pressure video call, you’ll get to know me, and we’ll go over the details and any questions you have about the relocation training.

Proposal & booking

If you feel I'm a good fit, I’ll send you a formal proposal.

Tailored prep

After booking, I’ll get to know your assignee through a detailed questionnaire and a follow-up video call. That way, I can fine-tune the training to their specific needs.

First-class relocation training

Your assignee (and their family) will get the essential knowledge and tools they need for a successful assignment in the U.S.

Special bonus—1:1 Coaching

After the 1-day training, your assignee gets one personalized coaching session—or two after the 2-day training. They'll receive tailored answers, strategies, and tips for tackling cultural challenges during their first months in the U.S. or following the training.


Baue Vertrauen auf

Got questions? I got answers.

It’s for anyone being sent to the U.S. by their company, whether they’re brand new, have been there a dozen times or have been living in the U.S. for years. Think of it as a deep dive into American culture, with all the context and backstory they never got before. They’ll leave with a whole new understanding of U.S. culture. Promise!

About one to three months before the move, or within the first few weeks after arriving in the U.S. If you’re planning an info trip beforehand, it’s actually great to split the training—getting some insights before the trip and finishing up after you’ve had a chance to explore.

Legal and tax matters, or anything related to the logistics of the move itself, like customs or shipping.

Yes! In a questionnaire and video call, I ask the participant about specific topics they’d like to cover. However, the first part of the training on American culture is essential for understanding many other topics, so that part should definitely stay.

Because there's a lot more than meets the eye.

When I first arrived in the U.S., I made the same mistake as most people: I totally underestimated the differences between my own and the American culture. The countless small and big differences at work and in daily life took me years and many awkward moments to figure out. And I was sometimes frustrated by the American “quirks” I encountered.

Then everything clicked: After 10 years in the U.S., I attended my first intercultural training—and finally started to truly understand the American culture.

I’m excited to share my experiences from over 20 years in the U.S. and my expertise as an intercultural trainer with your expat assignee. This way, they can quickly bypass the struggles and hit the ground running, well-prepared for success in the U.S.

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Successful relocation to the U.S.?

I got you! Together, we’ll get your expat assignee ready for life & work in America.